Barrio La Cárcova, Partido de San Martín, Provincia de Buenos Aires.
Construction and Strengthening of a Metal Openings Plant in La Cárcova neighborhood, San Martín, Buenos Aires.
Guillermo Poltarak |
Maria Hernandez |
Estela Cammarota |
Actors involved
SODIMAC, Ministry of Social Development of Buenos Aires province, Pentaka, University of Buenos Aires, Marsh S.A., and EWB-Ar volunteers.
What we have done
After building a shed and helping with the installation of machinery, we provided assistance in the start-up of the metal openings plant “JR” in La Cárcova neighborhood.
Around 11000 families live in a situation of extreme social vulnerability in La Cárcova. They face two main problems: severe poverty and environmental deterioration. The families from this neighborhood —especially young people— have serious difficulties accessing the job market. The generation and start-up of a productive undertaking located at the heart of the neighborhood aims at promoting job inclusion and collaborative work among the neighbors.
With this project we
Generated job inclusion for people who are excluded from the formal job market.
Strengthened the productive and organizational process, maximizing the economic performance and sustainability of the undertaking.
Improved the facilities and the productive space, thus ensuring safe working conditions.
Provided technical and health and safety at work knowledge through dissemination and training workshops aimed at young people, in order that they could use this information to work at the plant or as independent workers.