Expansion of school in Santiago del Estero

Expansion of school in Santiago del Estero

Colonia Dora, Santiago del Estero

We worked on the expansion of the Avellaneda Farm School (EFA-Avellaneda) in Colonia Dora

0 Student enrollment increased
0 M2 Built


María Hernandez

Actors Involved

Students, teachers and parents from Avellaneda Farm School, Colonia Dora Municipality, Guzmán Trejo Engineers, EWB-Switzerland volunteers, Penta-ka, JG Electricity, ADIMIRA, Flechabus, Marsh, El Amigo builder’s yard, Norlit, and EWB-Ar Volunteers.

What we have done

We have worked on the expansion of the capacity of the Farm School, building up two new classrooms that will receive 48 students each, and a room for the teachers who stay the night at the school.


The Farm Family School-Avellaneda (EFA-Avellaneda) functions by an alternation method in which the students alternate their residency between the school and their homes.
The educational system provided in the EFA-Avellaneda does not only imply the access to High School Education, but also proposes a method which aim is to improve the sustainability capacity of the domestic economies of the rural families. Therefore, by extending the enrollment capacity, the possibilities to generate an impact on the community’s local development are extended.
The growing demand by farmers who see in this school the opportunity for their children to gain access to education is limited because of the institution’s building capacity.  Both teachers and families are worried about not being able to receive other students who live in the area and who are also affected by social and economic difficulties.

With this project we

  • Enhanced the situation of students at the school. 
  • Reduced drop-out rates among students and their choice of farming work.
  • Provided, through schooling, new opportunities to improve their living conditions.
  • Expanded the infrastructure and, as a consequence, expanded the educational offer.
  • Improved the sustainability capacity of the domestic economies of rural families.
