Construction of a Honey Production Room in the Farming School

Construction of a Honey Production Room in the Farming School

Colonia Dora, Santiago del Estero

We are working on strengthening the EFA Avellaneda Farming School.


Actors Involved

EFA Avellaneda Farming Family School.

What we are doing

Together with EFA Avellaneda Farming Family School we are working on the expansion and improvement of the room for the production of honey to encourage productive ventures that allow for students’ training as well as helping in the sustainability of the school. The project comprises the reconditioning, improvement and equipment of a room to be used for the extraction and production of honey, as well as to the construction of a system to harvest and storage water for the supply of the venture.


The EFA Avellaneda Farming Family School was created from the organization and association of parents from the countryside who were looking for better educational opportunities for the young men and women from isolated rural communities, thus generating a positive impact on local development. The school is supported by voluntary donations and productive ventures.

With the execution of this project we will:

  • Train young men and women in the extraction and production of honey.
  • Contribute to the economic sustainability of the school through productive ventures.


Esteban de Olmos, Sofía Sanchez and Adán Levy.
